Date: 21/07/2016
Feedback Given By: User_6582
Feedback Comment: This is one of the best writers you can get...writer is always on topic, cite paper, as well as provide references. This writer will complete your assignment on time, you will not have a problem with this writers work DEFINITELY original work!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Topwrite
Total payment made for this project was: $10.00
Project Summary: Contingency Planning for Your Organization External shocks such as pandemics, terrorist attacks, and natural disasters have a high degree of risk and uncertainty, and can have rapid and dramatic impacts on organizations. Because these events are often unpredictable as to their location, timing, and scale, it is difficult for leaders to forecast such events or to foresee the full implications and impacts. However, leaders can prepare for such events by assessing the risks to the organization and having robust and clearly articulated contingency plans in place so that they are able to act quickly and effectively. To complete: Using the information and data you have collected to date regarding the external environment that your organization may be operating in within the next 5 years, explain what the major risks are to your organization and how you would use contingency planning to be prepared for such events. 3 to 5 paragraphs, 3 to 5 references, and cited work.