Date: 23/09/2018
Feedback Given By: nadiahmezzich
Feedback Comment: I feel very bad I had no idea u did the homework as well as me, I'm not familiar with this page so kindly take my apologies.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: smartestwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $18.00
Project Summary: Write a 2 page paper about this case that I went to about what would U like to change and what are your thoughts about the case. This case is about 3 African American kids they borrow a car in maywood and the driver run a red light, he was ask to stop the car by the police so he drove tu curve and stop in a gas station, when the police approach to the vehicle he saw the passenger put a large black object in the car, he asked him what did he put there and the guy told him it was cigarettes. Police made them got out of the car and the guy got arrested even though the police didn’t press charges press he just arrested him without asking if he had a license for the gun or anything.