Date: 17/12/2018
Feedback Given By: fayesong425
Feedback Comment: Failed
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: wittywriter
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: Discuss the importance, to the profession, of examining the history of the sector. Make connections with the course material and other relevant research. (Why is it important for ECE’s to know the history?) Discuss how studying the history has impacted the learner’s viewpoint on early learning, and therefore impacted their future practice. Justify your answer with concrete examples (What were the most surprising concepts you learned? What was most exciting, or challenging to you as individual?). Discuss how history has influenced current practices, in early learning. Justify your answers by making concrete connections to specific events and theories. Discuss how history has the potential to influence future practices and policies in early learning practices. Please identify and discuss potential barriers and opportunities as well. Paper will include an introduction and conclusion. Include a reference page that shows all sourced information, using APA standards.