Date: 31/05/2019
Feedback Given By: sverma6332
Feedback Comment: excellent work, timely done
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Elitetutor
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: Imagine you are a community health nurse assigned to care for a family with a newly diagnosed type-2 diabetic member. The diabetic family member, JK, is a 66-year-old African American woman with hypertension and asthma. JK lives in a food desert and does not drive. JK's family visits her weekly, they have complicated lives and are unable to provide daily care for her. Evaluate and utilize the following community health resources: United States Department of Agriculture Food Access Research Atlas Overview Food Access Research Atlas Map Centers for Disease Control and Prevention A Look Inside Food Deserts Small Food Stores and Availability of Nutritious Foods State Health Statistics American Nutrition Association USDA Defines Food Deserts Using the above resources identify a food desert area near you and research it's characteristics. Imagine JK living there. Research as much real information about the food desert community you choose as you can to complete this assignment.