Date: 05/10/2019
Feedback Given By: mdjjsmith
Feedback Comment: Excellent job! Very communicative and responsive to all my questions. He knows his stuff and got the math course done quickly!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: GreatContentCreator
Total payment made for this project was: $275.00
Project Summary: My son is in 11th grade. He failed Algebra 2, 1st semester last year (aka, Math 2a). He's taking the online course, Edgenuity and is completely stuck. The goal is to pass the pretests prior to each unit in order to skip directly to the next unit. There are only 10 math problems in each pretest. He needs to get 8 out of 10 correct in order to skip to the next pretest. He also needs to be at least halfway done with this course by Oct 1. What will you charge to login and take the pretests for him so he passes this class?