Date: 24/05/2014
Feedback Given By: User_3231
Feedback Comment: he did a very good work
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: surrogatewriter
Total payment made for this project was: $8.00
Project Summary: i need a responses Discussion (in 150 world) for The Super Bowl is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated sporting events of the year here in America, and the sales it generates serves as very clear indicator of its influence on the economy. According to CNBC, consumers spend about $9.6 billion on activities and items related to the game during an average year (CNBC). This spending goes towards a number of popular products, especially food and drinks. Beer is an especially popular commodity during the Super Bowl season, having sales that exceeded 53 million cases during the two week period leading to the game. Snacks are also a major player in the food market during this time, with Americans spending $595 million on snacks, especially chips, in preparation for the big game (CNBC). In addition to snacks, pizza is an increasingly popular choice of game-day food. Super Bowl Sunday serves as the busiest day for pizza delivery stores, with Dominos delivering over 1.1 million pizzas nationwide this day alone (CNBC). With numbers like these it is hard to ignore the Super Bowls drastic impact on our nations economy and it is easy to assume that Super Bowl season serves as a reliable predictor for an influx in business for multiple industries, including food and beverage.