Date: 16/04/2020
Feedback Given By: alex1989
Feedback Comment: He did a great job !!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: royvance
Total payment made for this project was: $30.14
Project Summary: Hello, I have history essay assignment which is about recent history in US. The total length of Essay will be 4 pages. Make sure do not use direct code from book, please paraphrase from the book. No outsideSources you onlyallow to use the book. Please pick three topic such as war affect race relations, civil rights, and the freedom of minorities at America. Please do not use heavy english language while you writing assignment. The book you will going to use "GIVE ME LIBERTY ! " BY ERIC FORNER VOLUME 2 and 5th edition. Please do not use any outside source. you are going to use this book if you want to reference. please the book pdf. version which is available free online. Here is book link https://www.studocu.com/en-us/document/university-of-north-florida/dir-readings-american-history/other/give-me-liberty. Topic : The United States entered World War II to fight fascism and racism abroad. How did the war affect race relations, civil rights, and the freedom of minorities at home?