Date: 10/10/2020
Feedback Given By: zone808
Feedback Comment: His work is good and fas
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: exclusivewriting
Total payment made for this project was: $20.10
Project Summary: 1) Identify the many different sources of rights that apply to criminal procedure. 2) Describe and distinguish the due process and the crime control perspectives. 3) List reasons why bright-line decisions may be preferable over case-by-case adjudications and vice-versa. Which do you prefer and why? 4) Considering that the Bill of Rights was designed as a series of limitations on the federal government, does it make sense that many of the same limitations have been applied to all states by the United States Supreme Court? Take a position and defend it. 5) Explain what the preliminary hearing is and the procedural issues associated with it. 6) What are the Fifth Amendment issues regarding defense reciprocal discovery obligations? 7) What pretrial discovery rights does the prosecution have? In light of the governmen