Date: 28/10/2020
Feedback Given By: unknown2019
Feedback Comment: Responsive and on time.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Prof1990
Total payment made for this project was: $80.39
Project Summary: **NOTE** you must be knowledgeable in accounting/finance to fully understand this task. If you’re not knowledgeable in accounting/finance, please avoid this posting! **NOTE** IGNORE FILE 1/2/3 - ONLY USE FILE 4/5/6 |||| Using the PDF “Project Two Instructions” complete the three requirements to analyze the PDF “Starbucks 10-K Report 2019”. Requirement #1) Read and analyze the following selected parts of the PDF “Starbucks 10-K Report 2019” covering all years conforming with the Excel Sheet “Project One” and identify a risk factor that you find of interest that could come true. Requirement #2) Conduct a “what-if” analysis to determine the affect the risk may have on the financials. Requirement #3) Answer three short essay questions. **NOTE Guessing, plagiarizing or “winging-it” may end up with the wrong answers and all answers would be reviewed! Also please respond to any messages from me so I know your working on it** Thanks!