Date: 03/12/2020
Feedback Given By: TimothyCorrado
Feedback Comment: Did an awesome job, and was very quick. Very good at Java and C Programming.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: truewriter
Total payment made for this project was: $150.72
Project Summary: You are creating a shell based on the description given in Chapter 2 Part A (page 77) in the Kernel Projects book. Your shell will parse an input. The first argument is the command to be run. The entire command will be read from the user, after a prompt is printed out. Your command will be limited to 200 characters and it will have no additional spaces in the command. You need to place your program in a loop such that it will re-read a new command after the previous command has terminated. You must use the system calls fork, execv and wait. You may use the string functions strcat, strlen and strncmp. The rest should be done by hand. A starter filePreview the document has been provided that includes the recommended order in which you should complete each step of the program. It can be found in the Files page, as well as an example of printing the environment variables. Examples: