Date: 18/04/2021
Feedback Given By: sairabashir3450
Feedback Comment: One of the things I admire about you is your ability to manage a task.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Elitetutor
Total payment made for this project was: $272.60
Project Summary: For each poet or short story author you study (or exercise you do or freewrite you do), make at least six page-long entries into your scrapbook, at least half of which (three pages) should be written text, about a page each, double-spaced, 11 or 12 point font, if typed, single-spaced if handwritten. Any typeface you want to use is okay, as long as a reader can read it easily, and you may use any format (as opposed to the essays, which must be in MLA format). If you write your scrapbook by hand, use pages that are at least college composition book size. You can take digital pictures of your handwritten or hand-drawn work, and put them in your electronic scrapbook which you will send to me.