Date: 20/11/2021
Feedback Given By: Coconut
Feedback Comment: Perfect writing.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: exclusivewriting
Total payment made for this project was: $15.14
Project Summary: Write a 2 page paper 1 1/2 spaces, 14 point font - paragraphs and well thought out discuss your reflections, insights and responses to Killing Us Softly 4 and TEDX talk by Sonya Renee Taylor (BODIES AS RESISTANCE.) CHOOSE ONLY TWO (2) of these themes that resonated with you the most. Discuss the psychological/emotional/behavioral consequences of these societal messages of the "ideal form of beauty" (Fat Shaming) AND your conclusion (after listening to the TedXTalk and Read text pages on Internalization) - Conclude with the ways you have internalized the messages of social structures AND how you can "resist"/transform/change the way you think, talk and behave that does not honor your body - GIVE A SPECIFIC EXAMPLE.