Date: 15/10/2022
Feedback Given By: User_12097
Feedback Comment: Exellent
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Augustine24
Total payment made for this project was: $50.48
Project Summary: O'Bannon, B. W., & Thomas, K. M. (2015). Mobile phones in the classroom: Preservice teachers answer the call. Computers & Education, 85, 110-122. Schrum, L., & Levin, B. B. (2016). Educational technologies and twenty-first century leadership for learning. International Journal of Leadership in E Template.net. (2018). Timeline Template –61+ Free Word, Excel, PDF, PPT, PSD Format Download! Webster, M. D. (2017). Philosophy of technology assumptions in educational leadership. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 20(1), 25-36.