Date: 16/04/2023
Feedback Given By: unknown2020
Feedback Comment: Awesome networking / technology tutor !
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: kennwals
Total payment made for this project was: $153.45
Project Summary: Write a 6 page proposal explaining a network architecture that will have 4 different locations interconnected with each other. Including in the document show a network diagram using any drawing program you want, such as http://draw.io Write from the perspective as if you were hired by the company(Cookie) to create the network based off of their requirements in the document. Please use simple non-complicated words, plagiarism will be scanned before release, please cite recourses used in APA format. This is due this Monday 04/17/23 at 11pm (2 days from now) / the time zone is UTC-4 Daylight Saving Time (EDT: Eastern Daylight Time North America). See PDF attached thank you.