Date: 05/01/2025
Feedback Given By: dansantillan13
Feedback Comment: Incredible job
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: tectutorz
Total payment made for this project was: $36.05
Project Summary: Data collection about K-12 School Violence and Disturbance in the United States for the rest of the 2024 year. I will provide an example of the 2023 data so you can see how I want it to be. I will also provide a blank file where the 2024 information is going to be & some places where u can find the info. Please use the 2023 example as a reference & follow the instructions. (there are a million places, but you just have to be sure that you do not duplicated an event) Links to find the information: https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/school-shootings https://www.security.org/blog/a-timeline-of-school-shootings-since-columbine/