Date: 27/10/2015
Feedback Given By: User_7413
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Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Topwrite
Total payment made for this project was: $10.00
Project Summary: Qualitative Perspectives Economic development literature often emphasizes the association between health and mortality with economic development and improvement in the standard of living. Nowhere is this more evident than in poorer countries with higher levels of infant mortality and prevalence of deadly diseases such as malaria, measles, and tuberculosis. Because of this, some governments have instituted free immunization programs for disease in their respective countries. Imagine that you are a researcher in an impoverished African country and are puzzled that in the north of the country, which has one of the worst child mortality rates in the world, parents are rejecting health clinics offer of free immunizations against deadly diseases such as measles and tuberculosis. Your task is to design an evaluation to determine the causes of the problem of rejection of free immunizations and to encourage parents to have their children immunized. QUESTION: Post an explanation of how you would go about applying the evaluation tasks. Also, explain how you would acquire the information you need to design an evaluation. _________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction You have just completed the analysis of quantitative data produced by your evaluation. Your analysis shows that your program results have made a difference in achieving the desired outcomes for most of your beneficiaries. However, you are unsure about why the analysis worked for some beneficiaries but not for all of those intended. You are also unsure about specific ways in which your participants used the programs benefits. Fortunately, you have remaining resources in your evaluation budget that allow you to do a qualitative study to follow up on these unanswered questions. You have a broad range of options for this type of study, but you have to decide on what types of data and what methods of analysis would be most appropriate. This week, you examine evaluation tasks and how you may incorporate qualitative techniques of analysis in your evaluation design. Learning Objectives Students will: Apply evaluation tasks Analyze how to acquire the information needed to design an evaluation Analyze use of qualitative and mixed methods data analysis ____________________________________________________________________________________ Required Resources Readings Centers for Disease Control. (2009). Analyzing qualitative data for evaluation. Retrieved fromhttp://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/evaluation/pdf/brief19.pdf Lacey, A., & Luff, D. (2009). Qualitative data analysis. Retrieved from http://rds-eastmidlands.nihr.ac.uk/resources/doc_download/8-qualitative-data-analysis.html BetterEvaluation. (2014a). Analyse data. Retrieved fromhttp://betterevaluation.org/plan/describe/look_for_patterns BetterEvaluation. (2014b). Combine qualitative and quantitative data. Retrieved fromhttp://betterevaluation.org/plan/describe/combining_qualitative_and_quantitative_data BetterEvaluation. (2014d). Using case studies to do program evaluation. Retrieved fromhttp://betterevaluation.org/resources/guide/using_case_studies_program_evaluation Optional Resources BetterEvaluation. (2010). Conducting mixed methods research. Retrieved fromhttp://betterevaluation.org/resources/guide/bryman_mixed_methods