Date: 18/01/2016
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Total payment made for this project was: $10.00
Project Summary: Advantages and Disadvantages of Pre-coding In this weeks reading from the course text Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook, the authors outline a pre-coding structure for data analysis. For this Discussion, you will analyze the pre-coding process and discuss its strengths and weaknesses. To prepare for this Discussion: Miles & Huberman advocate developing a pre-coding structure for data analysis that is based on the conceptual framework and research questions on p. 58. To what extent can having such a structure help or hinder a researcher? Did you develop a pre-coding structure for your data collection tool test? Why or why not? With these thoughts in mind: QUESTION: Post a response of 2 to3 paragraphs in which you analyze the advantages and disadvantages of developing a pre-coding structure for qualitative data analysis. If you developed a pre-coding structure for your data analysis tool test, please share your decision and whether or not it helped you. When appropriate, be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the reading(s) and/or video program(s), using APA format. ______________________________________________________________ Introduction Analyzing the data is at the heart of any research study, especially a qualitative one. Although you will follow established procedures for analyzing the data, the codes and themes that emerge while you are analyzing the data will be unique to your study. This week you will plan a strategy for analyzing the data in order to gain the deepest possible understanding of your data. Learning Outcomes By the end of this week, you will be able to: Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of developing a pre-coding structure for qualitative data analysis _____________________________________________________________________________________ Required Resources Course Text: Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook o Chapter 4, "Early Steps in Analysis," pp. 55 69 This excerpt from Chapter 4 focuses on codes and coding, including reflective remarks and marginal remarks. Course Text: Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research & evaluation methods (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. o Chapter 8, "Qualitative Analysis and Interpretation" In this chapter, you will learn about concepts of qualitative analysis and interpretation, including organizing data, computer-assisted data management, logical analysis, interpreting findings, special analytical issues and frameworks, and reporting findings. Course Text: Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach o Chapter 5, "Methods: What Will You Actually Do?", pp. 97 103 This selection from Chapter 5 is a review from Week 5. The reading will help guide you as you continue to work on your Mini-Project, which is due in Week 9. Research Toolkit Handouts o Walden Dissertation Rubric Available from http://researchcenter.waldenu.edu/ The Dissertation Rubric is a Word document linked in the section for PhD Dissertation Process and Documents. o Walden Qualitative Dissertations This document directs you to dissertations in the Walden Library that use a variety of qualitative approaches and disciplines.