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c++ programming
Date Posted: 28/11/2020
Category: Computer Science
Due Date: 09/12/2020
Willing to Pay: $60.00
Rewrite the Programming Example in chapter 4 ( Cable Company Billing ). Expected Program and Design: 1. Write a pseudo code before starting your program ( you may not use SWITCH, replace it with IF structures ) 1.1 Draw a flowchart for your program based on your pseudo code 2. Identify your constants 3. Your input will come from a text file of at least 15 customers 3.1 Input file format - customerType accountNumber premiumChannels ( i.e residential example: R12345 5 , business example B12345 16 8 ) residential customers RaccountNumber numOfPremChannels business customers BaccountNumber numOfBasicServConn numOfPremChannels 4. Precision should be two decimal places 5. Calculate the running average for residential and business customer spending 6. Print all customer's bill to a single file and the end of the file you should have the average summary for each customer type. 6.1 Pay attention to details when you formatting your output Note: Use all chapter concepts and make your final as a true representation of what we have learned this semester. Turn in program design ( pseudo code and/or flow chart ) input file output file .cpp file of your program ( make sure you include your header and comment your code ) Extra credit Implement your program using arrays, covered in chapter 8, and user defined simple data types to hold customer data.
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