InstructionIn this assignment you will examine different experiences of people living in the United States during the "Gilded Age." The nation was transforming rapidly from an agrarian, rural state to an industrial and urban economy. This is an era where we see a growing gap between those that are prospering and those that are not (observers like Mark Twain will note the extreme juxtaposition between the very wealthy and the very poor). The middle class are also growing and leisure time activities are rising in popularity. Finally, the very richest members of society are going to live lavishly and amass vast wealth. In this assignment, we will examine all three topics. Below are some primary resources relating to life in urban America around the turn of the century. Writer Jacob Riis was an immigrant that was disturbed by the level of poverty that existed in the city. He published a book called “How the Other Half Live” documenting the plight of the poorest people in America’s booming cities and this exposure would eventually lead to reforms. While Riis was documenting the terrible conditions in the cities, America’s middle class was booming. Leisure time activities were gaining popularity and organized sports leagues and club’s began to dominate the free time of Americans. The invention and expansion of sports and athletics will emerge around the country and continues to engage people today. In this assignment you will complete a short paper that must include all of the following. Part One Quote from Jacob Riis book. This quote should be more than two sentences but not more than a paragraph. Once you have selected a quote, provide analysis explaining what he is saying, you may even offer a person reflection. This should be written in complete sentences with thoughtful analysis and observations gained from the readings and your research. This should be a minimum of 200 words of your independent analysis. An image from this time period that illustrates the urban poverty of this period. It must be within the time period we are examining (1880-1905) and must be from the United States. Use a citation showing where this image was taken, the year, and any other important citation information. Part Two An examination of a leisure activity from this period. This can be a sport, professional or otherwise, a club, or activity enjoyed in this era. Explain the history of your selected topic, the popularity, and any rules or how it was organized. This should be about 200 words in length. A picture to accompany your description. This needs to be from the period with a brief explanation of what is in the image. Part Three The Robber Barons were the wealthiest members of society and accumulated vast amounts of money in this era. Some called them "Captains of Industry" will others questioned the manner in which they became rich. They were accused of corruption and other unethical practices and became a symbol of this age. Select one of these so called "Robber Barons" and describe how they made their fortune, any scandal or criticisms of their business practices and any other analysis you wish to include. This should be 200 words in length. An image that personifies this group and their wealth should be included. Be sure it is from this time period. Below is a list of resources but you are not limited to these sources. Please feel free to continue to broaden your research but be sure you utilizing academic/scholarly sources. List of resources (not limited to these sources) Jacob Riis Using primary resources Gilderman Sports and leisure activities