Date: 07/05/2013
Feedback Given By: User_3439
Feedback Comment: Job was very well done!!! I will definitely use again!!!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: tutor4U_d_971
Total payment made for this project was: $40.00
Project Summary: Compile an annotated list of references in APA format of 10 multicultural books in the following selected categories that are appropriate for classroom use (Specify the appropriate age(s) and/or grade level(s) for each book): African culture Asian culture Native American culture Mexican or Central American culture Urban American culture Rural American culture Note: You may substitute one or two of the above cultures with others that are more representative of your area. Please identify the local choices more clearly if a substitution occurs. Include books from at least six different cultures. Note: Include a variety of genres including, but not limited to, folktales, myths and fables, poetry, modern fiction, nonfiction, or biography. 1. Specify the following for each book in the annotated list: a. Reference information in APA format: Title Author Date of publication Publisher b. Appropriate age and/or grade level(s) c. Topic or Theme d. Genre e. Cultural category Honors awarded (if any) B. Include a brief description of each book. C. Use a reading scale (e.g., the Fry readability graph) to estimate the readability level for two of the books on your list. (If the books on your list do not fit the criteria necessary for a readability scale, select two additional books to review.) For each of these books, do the following: 1. Explain the specific steps you took to determine the grade level. 2. Identify the determined grade level for each of the two books. Note: The Fry readability graph is available on page 108 of Creating Literacy Instruction for All Students, (7th Edition) by Thomas Gunning. It is also available online at a number of websites, including Kathy Schrocks Guide for Educators (see the web link below). D. Complete and submit the Self-Assessment Form to reflect on your experiences with this task. To access the form, follow these instructions: Click the Complete Form button that appears in the bar below this task. Answer the questions in the form. If you need additional space, include an attachment with your response. E. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.