Date: 10/01/2016
Feedback Given By: User_7694
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: GreatContentCreator
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: Hello I need a paragh written about the topic below I listed the title and some points however you need to add more things to this. Title: Lacking Special needs in Jeddah Saudi Arabia. Some points to help you out. - no awareness of the issue - they don't believe there is no such thing as special education, they believe they are spoiled - students believed that are not smart enough and felt alone with no help. Assignment: Describe a topic that you have chosen for your action research project. Describe any connections there are to your schools improvement plan (if applicable). Describe how this fits with either practical action research or critical action research. Describe the process you went through to construct this question (examining goals and beliefs, mentally reviewing educational theory and research, considering your school improvement plan, observing, etc.) and state assumptions you are making about schooling, learning or teaching. Explain your reasons for choosing this particular research focus (what implicit or explicit criteria are you using?). Why is this research focus important to you as an individual? (This question can be seen as an extension of question number 2, first describing what your thought processes have been and then explaining your reasons for being tied to this particular project.) Formulate your topic as a researchable question.