Date: 21/11/2016
Feedback Given By: User_10797
Feedback Comment: Fast and accurate
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Frank_Pro
Total payment made for this project was: $10.00
Project Summary: As short as 3 sentences. I need 2 shorts replies one for each post. It can be as short as 3 sentences. Here is my post which you need to know so you can reply to the other two. First of all, as far as speech is concerned, the speaker is supposed to start with an opening and closing formula; for example, ladies and gentlemen. Therefore according to me the speaker lacked the style and the delivery concepts in order to deliver the message effectively. According to Steve Jobs speech, the most impressing thing is how he was being fired from a company he had contributed for its beginning and success. Lastly the speaker should try to outlook on some of the improvements in order to make the speech as possible as it can. For example, the speaker should try to make more eye contacts with the audience something that Steve Job lacked and through observing the same the speech will be delivered effectively. Post 1 Steve Jobs founded and sold apple computers which made him a pretty good public speaker. He had very good dramatic pauses throughout his speech. He knows when it is a good time to pauses in between statements which gives his speech a more memorable and enjoyable experience. Any person that needs to give presentations to sell products become very good at public speaking. He also works in a few personal antidotes which helps the audience relate to him and makes the audience feel like there is a connection between them. He never loses control of the crowed by excessive cheering or by them getting too rowdy. One of the only weak points of his speech that I can see is his eye contact. Without having Teleprompters in the back it is hard to memorize such a long speech so it would be hard for anyone to maintain eye contact with the audience. He keeps looking down at his speech which is not the best way to give a public speech. He also sways back and forth a little bit which and be distracting to the audience. When my group gave speeches for professional problems we also some of a group members also swayed back and forth which was not the correct approach for public speaking. He did not have excessive hand movements which was one of the hardest things for our group to overcome. When speaking in public many people are unsure what to do with their hands. Steve Jobs also had the correct length of his speech. I think if a speech is too long the audience will lose interest and he kept his speech at pretty much a good length. Overall it was a good speech with room for few improvements. He had to sell his product so this was not his first speech and I am sure he learned how to give better speeches each time he had to speak publically. I always found it difficult to speak publically with an unfamiliar audience because I do not do it enough to get comfortable. I was impressed with Steve Jobs and I think most of the people that give Ted Talks are also good public speakers. Post 2 Steve Jobs opens his speech with a show of humility and praises the audience and thus increasing receptiveness. He also employs the use of conversational style where he avoids extremely formal tone. He uses simple sentences that he utilizes to guide his audience through his fifteen-minute speech about his personal life, which that were the strongest area I belive. However, Steve Jobs could improve his speech by giving the speech rather than reading it off the paper which regularly kills his eye contact with his audience. Over all I was impressed about the speech, especially when he said you cannot connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect the dots looking backwards