Date: 28/03/2017
Feedback Given By: Jerry1985
Feedback Comment: Great work and on time.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: richwhite
Total payment made for this project was: $40.00
Project Summary: The Northern Renaissance was influenced by the Italians, but it developed differently, reflecting the different cultures of the north. Using the Internet, library and your textbook, explore one Italian Renaissance artist and one Northern Renaissance artist. Select one painting from each artist to compare and contrast. Support your discussion by addressing the following: Include one example of an artist and his work from each period and discuss in detail how they are good representations of that period. Consider style, subject matter, composition, color, and emotionality. (Please refer to the list Useful Terms following. Use the list to assist you throughout your assignments.) Discuss factors that contributed to the development of Italian Renaissance and Northern Renaissance art. Think specifically about what historical events were occurring during the creation of the works of art. Useful Terms Subject Matter: What you see in a work of art, including a topic, idea, or anything recognizable, such as landscape or a figure Composition: The organization of the formal elements in a work of art Emotionality: What emotions the artist may be trying to convey and how the work of art makes you feel Proportion: In any composition, the relationship between the parts to each other and to the whole Style: This is the result of an artists means of expressionthe use of materials, design qualities, methods of work, and choice of subject. In most cases, these choices show the unique qualities of an individual, culture, or time period. Elements of Design: The visual tools that artists use to create and artwork, such as line, color, value (the lightness or darkness of a color), texture, and shape Principles of Design: These are guidelines that help artists to create designs and plan relationships among visual elements in an artwork. They include balance, unity, variety, pattern, emphasis, rhythm, and movement. Balance: Describes how parts of an artwork are arranged to create a sense of equal weight or interest. Types of balance are symmetrical asymmetrical, and radial. Unity: When all parts of a design work together to create a feeling of wholeness Variety: The use of different lines, shapes, textures, colors, or other elements of design to create interest in an artwork Pattern:Choice of lines, colors, or shapes that are repeated over and over, usually in a planned way Emphasis: When some visual elements are given more important than others to catch and hold the viewers attention Rhythm: When repeating elements create visual or actual movement in an artwork.Rhythms are often described as regular, alternating, flowing, or jazzy. Movement: A principle of design, in which visual elements are combined to produce a sense of action. This combination of elements also helps the viewers eye to sweep over the composition in a definite manner.