Date: 24/04/2018
Feedback Given By: bashaer
Feedback Comment: great ,submitted before time
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: phoniextutor
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: due in one hour revise essay #2. Like last time, the two areas I will be looking at as I grade this final essay is how well you were able to incorporate my suggestions while still maintaining your voice as a writer and how well you were able to add those details (representation) that draw readers to your work. In essence, I’m looking for you making decisions as writers. I’m also looking for evidence that you have internalized all the principles Zinsser outlines and have been able to pick up a trick or two from Hooks. You should add at least a page to your original manuscript. As Chris Oufett says, “writing is revising is writing is revising.” You should add at least a page to your original manuscript. As Chris Oufett says, “writing is revising is writing is revising.”