Date: 24/04/2014
Feedback Given By: User_3972
Feedback Comment: Cons: 1) Focused on more on a different topic, and did less in the actual topic. 2) all of the information in the PowerPoint was in the notes section. 3) Appeared incomplete Pros: 1) Mostly available. 2) Willing to fix mistakes over and over again (Although it was still returned with holes) 3) The Notes section was very thorough It can be assessed that the writer intended to have this PowerPoint as notes focused, however the needed format was having as much information within the slides. A Major error.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: surrogatewriter
Total payment made for this project was: $14.00
Project Summary: Texas Government Checks and Balances Power Point The learner will create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, which includes a minimum of 5 slides and a maximum of 10 slides. In the presentation, the learner should do the following: Explain the concept of checks and balances Explain the interrelationships between the three branches of Texas government Include at least one slide detailing the balance of power between the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and the Speaker of the House in Texas. Include at least one slide explaining the balance of power between the two heads of the Texas judiciary, the Texas Supreme Court and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals