Date: 16/12/2019
Feedback Given By: alethias
Feedback Comment: Great job
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Thetutor
Total payment made for this project was: $50.24
Project Summary: The class is organizational communication. Organizational Communications Application Paper Length: Paper: 5 - 6 double-spaced paper Value: 220 Points for 22% of the grade a 5 – 6 page paper that identifies and discusses how you will apply organizational communication strategies and practices studied during COMU 410 by discussing three (3) insights gained into being an effective communicator, your assessment of how the application of each can enhance your success professionally and/or academically, and your action plan to apply each insight. The paper should be specific; your grade will be determined by how well you demonstrate understanding of effective organizational communication. While the paper focuses your personal learning and application, it must be based on course concepts and supported by 3 or more academic sources.