Date: 24/09/2014
Feedback Given By: User_5445
Feedback Comment: He is good writer and he understood what he suppose to write. providing assignment on time as well.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: expert4u
Total payment made for this project was: $50.00
Project Summary: Personal and Professional Development Plan (7-8 pages) A) At this point in life as you enter a program of graduate study, it is difficult to conceive of a more meaningful activity than a self-study that addresses such questions as: Which people and events have shaped me? What motivations drive me? What are my core values? What is my self-concept or self-image? This assignment asks you FIRST to address the question: Where am I in my life right now and how did I arrive here? Be sure to analyze the key cultural influences that have shaped you (country influences, family, friends, schools, customs, religion, business practices, codes of conduct, occupational training and norms, etc.). Balance description and analysis. Example: I grew up as an only child. The idea that conflict was a natural part of getting along with others was not part of my experience. Whenever my friends would begin to argue with their brothers and sisters I could go home. As a young professional I was uncomfortable with conflict. My strategy I would check out (go home) physically or mentally. The result, I reduced my emotional discomfort but lost opportunities to benefit from constructive conflict and to build relationships. B) A primary objectives of this course is to increase your personal and professional effectiveness. The SECOND goal of this paper is therefore to identify where you go from here by developing personal and professional development goals. The extent to which the concepts presented in this course will have benefit for you depend upon your ability to incorporate that knowledge into your daily experience. To encourage self-reflection and to enhance the likelihood of positive change, develop your personal and professional vision and identify goals for development associated with achieving that vision. Include results of your self-assessments such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Thomas Kilmann instrument and the questionnaires in the Caproni textbook. Take the risk of asking your peers/family/boss for feedback when identifying both strengths and weaknesses (formulate a 360 degree analysis). This assignment asks you to address the questions: a) Where do I want to go in my life? (Identify your mission and personal vision), b) What are my strengths and learning needs in reaching my goals? c) How will I get there? (specific actions and needed social support). Notes: * Please use APA format for all papers. * if you need any information about my personality please ask me.