Date: 14/03/2021
Feedback Given By: DANTEND
Feedback Comment: Great
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ElemenM
Total payment made for this project was: $25.24
Project Summary: Take advantage of your network as a student by participating in talks hosted by researchers and industry guests. If you are attending an industry talk, we recommend wearing business casual apparel and bringing a copy of your resume. For both research and industry talks, come prepared to ask questions and engage fully in the conversation. Participation Instructions: Watch this video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QC4qlkrR3xzAyL8Qt6fJ9rnHsQBSr9bc/view?usp=sharing Getting Credit: Event title and date. A brief summary of the event. Something you learned or found interesting. Try to make this specific enough that it clearly shows you attended event. For example, "One of the speakers mentioned that she worked at LASP as an undergrad. She talked about her work in their machine shop and how she learned a lot about good/bad engineering drawings and things to take into consideration when you're designing something to be manufactured using a specific tool."