Date: 28/02/2022
Feedback Given By: User_7572
Feedback Comment: great work.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: queen
Total payment made for this project was: $30.29
Project Summary: Week 3 and 6: Interview a Professional in the Field. Please review the directions for this 2 part assignment carefully. It is IMPERATIVE that you read the syllabus concerning this assignment. Assignment 2 is due Week 3 This assignment directly relates to the professional interview in Assignment 4, which is due in Week 6. The student will develop a set of questions to be asked during an in-depth interview of a professional in the field of child and/or family development. Your questions must be an appropriate number of quality questions that are in-depth. It is unlikely that you can do this in fewer than 10 - 15 questions. This assignment focuses on interviewing a professional whose primary responsibility is directly related to child or family development, not someone who works primarily with children (for example, a schoolteacher or school counselor would NOT be appropriate for this interview).