Date: 25/04/2022
Feedback Given By: Luj.almat16
Feedback Comment: excellent job hand it on time, able to fix it many times, and very friendly
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ElemenM
Total payment made for this project was: $25.75
Project Summary: Health admistration policy Research about an interview we did with a person who is working as Administrator, Lincoln County Health Department. He mentioned 4 chalnges, but I only need to do reaserch for point #4 Ensuring a competent workforce: Ensuring you have a workforce to replace you. it means making sure that employees are coming in with the right attitudes and educational backgrounds that will allow them to be successful in their job. I think it could also include making sure there are enough staff to properly address the issues the community is facing. • Interview a healthcare administrator about the top four (or three) issues facing the administrator’s organization. (Sample questions and suggestions for interview posted on BlueLine). • Divide the issues raised during the interview among your group and research the issue you chose/were assigned (e.g. review industry trends and explore solutions to the issue). My point is the 4th one only Ensuring a competent workforc