Date: 15/12/2022
Feedback Given By: sona76
Feedback Comment: I got 80/80 thank you so much!!!!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ServiceMaster
Total payment made for this project was: $25.24
Project Summary: Sociology and the Real World PaperAssessment 5 pages (at least) double spaced no larger than 12 point font no larger than one inch margins You will be required to write a social issue paper about something that you have experienced. You must choose one topic from the list below. Topic 1: Your socialization experiences as a child focusing on learned gender roles Topic 2: Your experience with stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination (based on race, gender, culture, sexual orientation, mental health, disability -- including learning disability, and/or physical characteristics) Topic 3: Your experiences with health/health care (think about access to health care/health care costs, or health and stigma) Topic 4: Your experiences with social stratification/social inequity and access to educational opportunities