Date: 05/02/2023
Feedback Given By: lharvey07
Feedback Comment: My go to person. Will not disappoint you. Awesome work, always quickly respond back to messages and deliver work on time and plagiarism free.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Elitetutor
Total payment made for this project was: $25.24
Project Summary: TED stands for “Technology, Entertainment, and Design” and refers to conferences that promote “ideas worth sharing.” Initially, many TED Talks focused on technology, design, and entertainment. Today, the subjects of TED Talks range widely and often focus on questions of what, how, and why. TED Talks have become a global phenomenon in recent years. Many TED Talks are posted online where these enjoy immense popularity. Why are the TED Talks so popular? Put simply, TED Talks truly engage the audience through the content and the speakers’ delivery. Look closely at a good TED Talk and you will probably see in action the principles of speaking and effective delivery you are learning about in this course. You will deliver your TED Talk without visual aids. The ideas in your TED Talk must be supported by evidence. A minimum of three viable, relevant, timely sources is required. Confine your research to information found in the databases JSTOR and/or Opposing Viewpoints in Context (OVC). T