Date: 23/02/2023
Feedback Given By: ghizlane031
Feedback Comment: Awesome job! reliable work and fast turn around!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: firstclasstutor
Total payment made for this project was: $25.24
Project Summary: 1. From the Readings section read the article titled “Why Pharma Must Change Its Model” and the designated page numbers of the article from PhRMA titled “Biopharmaceuticals In Perspective” and the article by Deborah Kotz titled “Are Americans Overmedicating themselves?” Based on the articles, describe what you would change about the pharmaceutical industry and what you would keep the same. Why? Do this in 15-20 lines. 2. Read the article on Prescription Drug Development from Australian Prescriber (under the Readings section). From this article and the Lecture Notes, describe in 10-15 lines the steps in bringing a new drug to the market. 3. In the lecture for Module 1 we go over the attributes of “The Perfect Drug Product” from the point of view of a Brand Name Pharmaceutical Company. See slide above. What would the attributes of “The Perfect Drug Product” be for other stakeholders: a) Patients, b) Doctors/Hospitals, c) Generic Companies? Give brief reasons for your answers.