Date: 08/03/2023
Feedback Given By: dkgooden
Feedback Comment: Perfect
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Augustine24
Total payment made for this project was: $45.43
Project Summary: To engage the reader, open with a strong hook so that they will want to continue reading • Use an appealing tone throughout the piece. How can this information be made more appetizing and exciting to someone who may not have a strong background in this field? • Pay particular attention to vocabulary. Will your reader know the jargon or acronyms common in your field? Do you NEED to use that jargon or those acronyms, or can you find another way to say it that is still accurate? • Remember that you do not have to summarize every bit of information in your article. What are the main points? Try to give the reader a good sense of the study that you are describing without drowning them in unnecessary detail. • And above all, make sure that you are accurately representing the science! *DIRECTIONS AND ASSIGNMENT ATTACHED IN FILES*