Date: 09/03/2023
Feedback Given By: tahobaho47
Feedback Comment: not related to what i asked for.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: JamesMaithyaMakau
Total payment made for this project was: $75.72
Project Summary: it's a remote sensing assignment which requires GEE coding ! Multi-temporal analysis – Short Research Project assessment is associated with the Phenology and LandTrendr time series practicals. The word limit for this is 2,000 words. This includes all text but excludes the reference list, numbers in tables and text that is included in figure (excluding figure captions). Everything else is included the topic is " Desertification monitoring in Middle East area " its required to undertake a short independent research project, involving the use of multi-temporal (i.e. time-series) data. Specifically, projects must “demonstrate” how multi-temporal satellite data can play a key role in continuous monitoring of the Earth’s surface. Projects can focus any application of multi-temporal data analysis but projects should focus on the use of continuous quantitative data (i.e. using time-series data and not performing a “change detection” that uses just two or three discrete or classified images)