Date: 23/03/2023
Feedback Given By: dena
Feedback Comment: Great Job every time. The best, you only turn out the best.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: firstclass
Total payment made for this project was: $45.43
Project Summary: CRJ 308 wk 4 discussion DeLisi, M., Schwartz, S., & Klein, E. (2020). Criminal psychology (2nd ed.). Zovio. Chapter 6: Aggression and Violence Chapter 7: Juveniles and Crime The full-text version of this ebook is available through the Constellation database. Chapter 6 covers aggression and how it may lead to violent behavior. Chapter 7 covers criminal behavior of juveniles including the risk factors for juvenile delinquency. Chapter 6 and 7 will assist you in your Do Juvenile Delinquency Diversion Programs Work? discussion forum this week.