Date: 13/04/2023
Feedback Given By: kwamef
Feedback Comment: Great work
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Elitetutor
Total payment made for this project was: $30.29
Project Summary: This semester we have compared differences in voter participation across states and across time, as well as coalitions that emerge within the government to gain power (Byrd Machine, Long Machine, Talmadge Machine, Pork Chop Gang). In this explainer, I want you to assess the current state of representation in the South. Identify a problem with political representation and policy responsiveness in the South, or something that is being done very well. Approach this explanation with a focus on the behavior of individuals in an institution or in the public as they react to state government. Be sure to also have an explanation for a counterfactual example.