Date: 15/02/2024
Feedback Given By: maylizvr
Feedback Comment: Excellent work and as always delivered with plenty of time in advance!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $70.67
Project Summary: Scholarly Movie Paper (Mental Health) The paper should be no less than three pages and double-spaced. You should be using your textbook for DSM-V criteria and find two supporting, evidence-based research articles to support your position.Please review the rubric for specific criteria needed in EACH section. The criteria for the paper will be as follows: For this paper, you will select and watch one of the movies listed below. As you are watching, you should choose a character who best meets the DSM-V criteria for mental illness. After you watch the movie, you should look for additional evidence-based research to support or refute Hollywood’s portrayal of the character’s mental illness. You must use APA format to cite and reference. Your paper should contain a cover page and a reference page. Abstracts are not required, writing in first person is expected.