Date: 23/04/2024
Feedback Given By: mariatergrigoryan
Feedback Comment: perfect
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $20.19
Project Summary: Hypothesis Mini-Paper #3 Module: Psychological Skills Training: Arousal Regulation Your third mini-paper is to be a shortened (200-250 words) introduction section of a research paper, ending in a research hypothesis. Required are three research citations, one of which is the featured article from the class module for this week, with the other two listed in the references of this week’s book chapter. Overall, the goal is to support your hypothesis appropriately with prior research. The best mini-papers weave your research references into a cohesive short story leading up to your hypothesis. Required also is a references section at the end. We will NOT be grading for “APA style” or format on this section, but any sources cited in the paper should be listed in the references section, and vice versa.