Date: 26/04/2015
Feedback Given By: User_3231
Feedback Comment: good joob
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Javawriter
Total payment made for this project was: $80.00
Project Summary: i need help withe my homeworki need to find 15 articles & summarize them. just went in CNN.com or other online news sites & found articles related to sociology & poverty. The preparation should include finding a periodical on the Internet, copy the URL and paste it into a Microsoft Word document, and typing a two-paragraph synopsis on the same document. The synopsis should summarize the article and explain how the article is relative to sociology it have to be 15 so each on in different page i just attach an example for the homework please dont forget that i need 15 difrint link and you have to summarize them in two-paragraph .