Date: 29/04/2015
Feedback Given By: banknot
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Javawriter
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: 1. Go to the library or online to find the Monitor on Psychology, a monthly magazine published by the American Psychological Association (APA). Use only Monitors published within the past twelve months. Find an article that describes research being done by psychologists. Critique the article, in a well-written, two-page summary and reaction. Include a brief synopsis of what is written about in the article, and your reactions to it. Some questions you might address are: Does the research surprise you? Did you know psychologists study this particular subject? Have you heard a lot about the subject before? What impact might this research have on peoples lives? Do you think the data collection was adequate? Do you think the researchers could have been more thorough? To what future research might this lead? Be thorough, but brief. It is important to be able to express your ideas clearly, succinctly, and with good grammar. Papers must be approximately two typewritten pages in length due time within the next 12 hours