Date: 09/11/2012
Feedback Given By: ebrown2430
Feedback Comment: A LOT OF GRAMMER MISTAKES!!!!! Yes the assignemtn was done and was done quick - but I would have been better off doing the assignment by myself!!! I had to rewrite more then 75% of the sentences!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Homework_Nerd
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: Assignment: 1. Investigate the business professional etiquette of another country by accessing the ExecutivePlanet.com website. Using Complete sentences compose 5 etiquette tips unique to the selected country. Paraphrase information. DO NOT copy text verbatim from the web. Explain how the practices are both similar and different to those in the United States. List and number each tip, single-spacing each tip and double-spacing between - doesnt have to be real complex - a few sentences for each...