Status: Live
Task 1: I've attached a proposal, I need dissertation prepared for the following topic attached in the attached proposal 15,000 Words. (Impact of Current Remote Work Adoption on Employee Productivity) This assignment should be well written and original. This assignment should be plagiarism free & required turnitin report with it. Task 2: Reflective Paper (equivalent to 1500 words)
Date Posted: 24/02/2024
Category: Business
Due Date: 19/03/2024
Willing to Pay: $50.00
Task 1: You are required to prepare a 15,000 word Dissertation. Your dissertation should contain the following: :Title page :Abstract :Disclaimer :Acknowledgements :Content pages :Introduction :Background :Literature Review :Methodology :Findings :Discussion :Conclusion & Recommendations :References :Appendices, as appropriate Formatting: Times New Roman or Calibri, 12pt font, 1.5 line spacing. Task 2: You are required to prepare a 1,500 word reflective paper analyzing your learning journey from your proposal & Dissertation entitled: : Reflections on my Learning Journey from doing the Dissertation This is a critical reflection of your own personal learning experiences across the dissertation module, as such this should be written in the FIRST PERSON narrative. You MUST include a reflective cycle such as Gibbs, Kolb, Johns, Atkins & Murphy, within your reflective paper. This reflective cycle must be referenced and it must by clearly visible within your assignment so that it helps you to structure your writing and enable you to provide greater critical reflections on your experiences, not just a description of what you did. To further enhance the critical reflection, you are advised to read widely around your topics and arguments and draw on contemporary best practice and theoretical discussion to underpin your points. Please be aware that you need to reference your points and arguments appropriately. Note: This assessment is not simply a list or description of what you did in the dissertation, instead it is asking you to: Think critically about your feelings, ideas and apprehensions towards the dissertation; Reflect on what you learnt during the process; Think about the parts of the research journey that went well and those that did not; Think critically about what you would do differently next time; Formatting: Times New Roman or Calibri, 12pt font, 1.5 line spacing.
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