Status: Live
This assignment in due in 1 hour and needs to be done for two different people, two different versions
Date Posted: 22/04/2024
Category: Business
Due Date: 22/04/2024
Willing to Pay: $25.00
As part of the management team at Bank of Westfield, you want to help your employees improve their health and reduce their health costs at the same time. Because the Bank of Westfield is a small company, it is at greater risk from rising health costs than are larger firms. Individuals with health problems have always paid more for health insurance. However, federal law requires that all employees covered by employer health insurance programs must pay the same premium. That means that those employees with poor health cannot be charged more for health insurance than those employees with good health. Recent legislation, however, has allowed some exceptions if employers offer wellness programs. Working with its insurance carrier, the Bank of Westfield developed a wellness plan that would enable employees to reduce their health insurance deductible $500 for each health benchmark the employee reached. For example, a nonsmoker receives a $500 deduction in the overall deductible of $2,500. Other benchmark categories are cholesterol, body mass index, and blood pressure. If the Bank of Westfield can persuade employees to meet benchmarks in these areas, employees can reduce their health insurance deductible by $500 for each benchmark. This should help quiet the grumbling that resulted last year when the health insurance deductible jumped from $500 to $2,500. All of the health benchmarks are explained in a brochure provided by the health insurance carrier. To get employees started, the Bank of Westfield wants employees to fill out an application (before January 15) to see a fitness counselor who will develop a customized fitness plan for each employee who signs up. Bank of Westfield will provide literature, fitness programs, and counseling to help employees meet their benchmarks. Your tasks: 1. List and Describe the 3x3 writing process (the process is detailed in your textbook) needed for this persuasive message. Be sure to list each step/phase and sub-step/element, and show how you would use each step/phase to create your message. It must be specific to your message and detail through each phase and sub-phase or element. Hint: Three phases Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, and three elements for each phase: AAA, ROD, EPE. 2. List and Describe the strategy needed for this type of message. Be sure to outline the specific structure and steps of this type of message and tell me why you chose this strategy. Hint: Use the Indirect Strategy, AIDA... 3. Write the persuasive message. For the signature of Melissa Mendoza (the letter is from Melissa Mendoza and include her job title), Vice President, Human Resources, prepare a persuasive action request memo addressed to all employees (To: All Employees). Mention both direct and indirect benefits of the wellness program. Anticipate obstacles and answers to them. Close with an action request. Tell exactly what you want the receiver to do, and provide a phone number and an extension number for anyone who has questions. Hints: Use the Memorandum format; Date, To, From, and Subject. Include name and job title in the "From:" line. Do not close with "Sincerely, Melissa Mendoza...this is already in the "From:" section of the memo. Include the full phone number and email (you can make this up) in the last sentence. Refer to page 227 in the textbook to help you format. Show the math. $2500 - $500 for each benchmark category will be your selling point and should be explained in detail. Letter length should be 4-5 paragraphs.
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