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ASSIGNMENT: In this assignment, you will explore the crossroads of culture, innovation, and religious expression through art and architecture. Drawing from the course material, you will complete two distinct yet interconnected parts in a 4-5 page (1,000-1,200 words) paper: Innovations in Art and Architecture: Examine innovations in art or architecture by analyzing how they built upon past innovations to create something entirely new. Art, Architecture, and Religious Expression: Delve into the connection between art and architecture and the values of different religions. You will select specific works and discuss how they embody the ideals and values of their respective cultures.
Date Posted: 24/05/2024
Category: Art
Due Date: 31/05/2024
Willing to Pay: $15.00
A. Directions Step 1: Introduction Begin your paper with a 1-2 paragraph introduction that provides an overview of the assignment. Clearly state the purpose of the assignment and its significance in the context of exploring the intersections of culture, innovation, and religious expression through art and architecture. Remember to introduce both parts (Innovations in Art and Architecture and Art, Architecture, and Religious Expression) of the assignment in the introduction. Your response for this section should be approximately 100-200 words. Step 2: Innovations in Art and Architecture Throughout this course, we have considered several examples of innovations in both art and architecture, including the evolution of form in Greek sculpture, images of Christ, dome architecture, architecture as a place where people attempt to be closer to the gods and/or to the heavens (architecture as a holy mountain). For this section of your paper, select two examples of artistic or architectural works covered in the course. Both examples should either be structural innovations OR technological innovations (do not pick one of each). Discuss how these works built on past innovations to create something entirely new. Consider structural and formal innovations. Provide historical context for the chosen examples and explain the significance of these innovations. Your discussion of examples should apply the formal analysis skills learned in Unit 1 that consider the use of color, line, shape, medium, and other characteristics. Your response for this section should be approximately 1-2 pages (300-500 words) and follow this structure: Choose a Subject: Select either two structural innovations OR two technological innovations in either art or architecture that have significantly impacted its respective field. This could be a particular style, technique, or design concept. Historical Context: Provide a brief overview of the historical context in which this innovation emerged. Highlight the key developments and influences that led to its creation. Analysis of Innovation: Analyze how this innovation built upon past techniques or styles. Discuss the elements that distinguish it from previous approaches and how it contributed to the evolution of art or architecture. Comparative Analysis: Draw connections and comparisons between the selected works, highlighting both similarities and differences in their expressions of innovation. Make sure your information and citations come from the Sophia tutorials to support your response. When citing material from a tutorial, please include the name of the lesson and use the following format: In-text citation: For example, (Romanesque Architecture, n.d.) or (Influence of Buddhism on Ancient Indian Art, n.d.). Please note these are examples only. You will have to adjust the citation based on the specific part of the tutorial you are referencing. Step 3: Art, Architecture, and Religious Expression Throughout this course, you have seen how art and architecture express the values of various religions. The cultures and religions discussed in this course include, but are not limited to: Mesopotamia Egypt Hinduism Jainism Buddhism Islam Christianity Mesoamerican culture For this section of the paper, choose two specific religious works of art or architecture. Summarize the core values and beliefs of each religion. Analyze how the selected works of art or architecture express and embody the values and ideals of their respective cultures. Pay particular attention to the formal elements and design choices that relate to the religion or spiritual practice. Your discussion of examples should apply the formal analysis skills learned in Unit 1 that consider the use of color, line, shape, medium, and other characteristics. Your response for this section should be approximately 1-2 pages (300-500 words) and follow this structure: Select Works: Choose two specific religious works of art or architecture that serve as exemplars of religious cultural expression. Religious Values and Ideals: Analyze each selected work in terms of how it embodies the ideals and values of its respective culture and religion. Consider the symbolism, motifs, and architectural elements that convey religious meaning. Cultural Context: Provide background information on the culture and religious beliefs associated with each selected work. Explain how these cultural contexts influenced the creation and design of the artwork or architecture. Comparative Analysis: Draw connections and comparisons between the two selected works, highlighting both similarities and differences in their expressions of religious values. Make sure your information and citations come from the Sophia tutorials to support your response. When citing material from a tutorial, please include the name of the lesson and use the following format: In-text citation: For example, (Romanesque Architecture, n.d.) or (Influence of Buddhism on Ancient Indian Art, n.d.). Please note these are examples only. You will have to adjust the citation based on the specific part of the tutorial you are referencing. Step 4: Conclusion In 1-2 paragraphs, summarize the key findings of your analysis and reiterate the significance of the relationship between art and architecture with culture, innovation, and religious expression. Your response for this section should be approximately 100-200 words. Refer to the checklist below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines. 1. Introduction and Conclusion ❒ Did you include an introduction that describes the significance of exploring the intersections of culture, innovation, and religious expression through art and architecture? ❒ Did you include a conclusion that summarizes your key findings and reiterates the significance of the relationship between art and architecture with culture, innovation, and religious expression? 2. Innovations in Art and Architecture ❒ Did you select two stylistic innovations OR two technological innovations in either art or architecture that have significantly impacted its respective field? ❒ Did you provide a brief overview of the historical context in which this innovation emerged? ❒ Did you analyze how this innovation built upon past techniques or styles? ❒ Did you draw connections and comparisons between the selected works, highlighting both similarities and differences in their expressions of innovation? 3. Art, Architecture, and Religious Expression ❒ Did you select two religious works of art or architecture that serve as exemplars of religious cultural expressions? ❒ Did you analyze each selected work in terms of how it embodies the ideals and values of its respective culture and religion? ❒ Did you provide background information on the culture and religious beliefs associated with each selected work? ❒ Did you draw connections and comparisons between the selected works, highlighting both similarities and differences in their expressions of religious values? 4. Conventions ❒ Have you checked your essay for grammatical and mechanical errors? ❒ Have you used spell check or another method to check spelling? ❒ Have you cited examples from the course using the in-text citation instructions? 5. Before you Submit ❒ Have you included your name, date, and course at the top left of the page? ❒ Is your essay between 4-5 pages (approximately 1,000-1,200 words)? C. Requirements The following requirements must be met for your submission to be graded: Composition must be 4-5 pages (approximately 1,000-1,200 words), double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Use a readable 11- or 12-point font. Composition must be original and written for this assignment and all writing must be appropriate for an academic context. Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited. Submission must include your name, the date, and the title of your composition.
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