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I want my dissertation to be about knife crime. 10000 words
Date Posted: 26/05/2024
Category: Psychology
Due Date: 09/06/2024
Willing to Pay: $15.00
introduction A clear statement of the purpose of the Dissertation: The objectives of the research should be clearly stated and explained where appropriate. The rationale for the investigation is justified in terms of academic/ organisational importance 20% Literature Review Critical review of the literature: Provide an evaluation and interpretation of relevant earlier work and where appropriate develop a conceptual framework that draws together the key literature(s) / ideas 20% Methodology and Method State what methods were considered, what was selected and why. In doing so you should: justify the approach adopted including decisions surrounding the collection of primary/secondary data (where appropriate) consider the appropriateness of the approach within constraints present Detail with justification the overall sampling strategy adopted Detail how the data was analysed Address issues of validity, reliability and generalisability 20% Results and Discussion Data presentation: Detailed and logical presentation and analysis of the data 20% Conclusion and recommendations Analysis of findings with reference to purpose of study; issues from the literature review. Practical application (recommendations). Recommendations should include a detailed analysis of implementation issues and costings (financial and other relevant costs). Detailed consideration of the limitations of the study and a future research agenda including the application of alternative research designs
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