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comparing politic research paper
Date Posted: 12/11/2018
Category: General
Due Date: 14/11/2018
Willing to Pay: $30.00
Fake news? Media Bias? Find out! Students will choose a topic related to the 2018 midterm elections and then compare and contrast coverage of the topic in competing news sources. Students will analyze their results in a 6 page research paper. The assigned reading, Evaluating Media Bias, provides the framework to be used in the research project. Tip: Start your project early so you have time to schedule an appointment with the Writing Center to review your paper and help you make improvements before it is due. Step 1: Read the book Evaluating Media Bias and answer the Reading Questions Step 2: Write an introduction summarizing the theoretical framework from the book, Evaluating Media Bias (1-2 pages). Step 3: Choose a news issue from the 2018 Midterm Congressional Campaigns (this could be stories about gender or race, redistricting, incumbency, the Trump Factor, a specific campaign or campaign event, a policy issue, money in campaigns, etc.) Step 4: Research your news issue online and compare and contrast how different media sources cover the issue. Step 5: Analyze your results for bias using the theoretical framework provided in Evaluating Media Bias. You may or may not actually find evidence of bias -- but use examples to illustrate what you conclude. Cite your sources using footnotes or endnotes. All direct quotes should be in quotations and cited. All paraphrasing (any information put into your own words) also must be cited. If you have any questions about citations, see the Writing Center or ask me. Step 6: Conclusion: Was there bias? If so, what kind of bias was there? Was the bias consistent ideologically (coming from the left or the right)? Who was responsible for the bias? Did the bias potentially impact the elections? Step 7: Include all sources in a Bibliography formatted to Chicago Manual of Style. Step 8: Proofread your paper! This is a short assignment, but make it substantial and high quality. Check for spelling and grammar errors. Check for clarity. Do you have a strong analysis? Did you address all parts of the project?
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