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Write a simple shell in C that includes concepts like process execution, pipes and forks.
Date Posted: 19/02/2019
Category: Computer Science
Due Date: 24/02/2019
Willing to Pay: $40.00
Write a simple shell in C that includes concepts like process execution, pipes and forks. A simple base coded will be provided, however, additional features need to be added like: Support for a foreground and single background process simultaneously Support for I/O redirection (stdin, stdout, stderr) and piping between two programs Catching and handling signals. The provided base code will compile and run a simple shell program. It demonstrates the basic concept of a shell program. However, it lacks some important features: You cannot change directories in your shell. Changing directories is a shell built-in command (EC option). Executables may be stored anywhere on your computer. For example, the program cat may be located in /bin/cat while grep may be located in /usr/bin/grep. You never have to specifically type /bin/cat though. The reason for this is that your shell will automatically search common paths for programs. As such your shell can only run programs which are located within the specified PATH directory or the current directory (where your shell program was run from). In general, you may use almost any standard library function or system call to complete this project apart from the system(3) function which is effectively a wrapper for a shell and is not allowed. Speaking more broadly, any library function or system call that is effectively a wrapper for another shell shouldn't be used.
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