Status: Live
speech, used the attached template
Date Posted: 23/01/2020
Category: English
Due Date: 25/01/2020
Willing to Pay: $15.00
Deliverables A one- to two-page (250- to 500-word) outline and reference list. Step 1 Review the process of outline creation. Review the information that discusses creating outlines. In particular, study the section that describes full-sentence preparation outlines, their elements, and how to create them. Step 2 Review a Topic you chose from a past assignment. Review the assignment in which you selected a speech topic, wrote a thesis statement, identified a question based on the thesis statement, and identified at least three main points. Step 3 Select a Pattern of Organization. Based on your knowledge of patterns of organizing speech information, select a pattern of organization to use to create an outline for your speech. Step 4 Open the outline template provided below You can type directly on the document and save it as new Step 5 Enter Identifying Data. Enter the Identifying Data for your speech: Title General Purpose Specific Purpose Step 6 Create an outline. Using the template, create a full sentence, formal outline for your speech. Follow the guidelines presented in the lesson for using a consistent set of symbols, using full declarative sentences, and entering transitions within square brackets. Step 7 Create a reference list. Include any and all sources you use to locate information for your formal outline. Step 8 Save and submit your assignment. When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor using the dropbox.
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