Date: 15/03/2016
Feedback Given By: User_7413
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Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Topwrite
Total payment made for this project was: $50.00
Project Summary: QUESTION: Power point presentation. Use the information below to construct a power point slide. Chapter 2: Literature Review Just as the names sounds, a Literature review means the revision of secondary or external sources, external in a sense that you are actually going out of your private zone or your frame of work to review the work of other researchers. It also implies that by identifying literature reviews conducted provides insight into what the problem entails and may also provide evidence to support your rational and approach. Therefore, you must expect to include a considerable number of quotations, citations, and references in this section. However, the literature review section includes current knowledge, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a research study.by design the literature review is to suite the current study within the body of literature and to enable the reader determine context within the content. There exist different types of literature reviews, so you may have to choose the type of review that aligns your study and within your area of discipline. The two main literature review types are: the systematic review that is s literature review that focuses on the research questions, engulfing all the arguments relevant to the research question, whereas, the latter is a meta-analysis review that uses statistical methods to effectively curb the data involved to generate more reliable results of the study in question. One can also say that a literature review is a collection of research-based literature about specific topics that can be used for analysis to integrate, compare and contrast new literature or information. Please keep in mind that you do not get confused between a literature review and a research paper, the literature review is a reviewing of existing literature in comparison to current literature whereas, the research paper such as the one you shall be writing, requires you to introduce new arguments to address a specific subject or a problem. Although these may sound confusing, but the differences are very clear and obvious and must not be misunderstood by any means, shape or form. Be firm to articulate why you use the chosen path to address the research problem such as referencing how previous research has dealt with a similar problem as an effort to justify, clarify, negate or fill in the gaps from the prior research. State the findings of the study and include the significance of each findings explaining how it relates to or addresses the problem in question and clearly mention all literature that you reviewed as a part of the study. Literature Search and Organization of the Literature Review In this section you should clearly state how you strategically searched for materials that would support the literature for your study, studies that would definitely serve the purpose must relate to how it addresses the problem and also indicating if the review of literature shed more or any light to the topic. Clearly state in this section where the articles were obtained from including if it a library and/or other public journal articles obtained through a general internet search to provide additional information about the subject. Indicate here if you had narrowed down the research literature from the broad spectrum to suit your specific topic, which in turn be viewed as a limitation to your study that should be explained under the limitations sections. Also make an effort to indicate in what other sources were used to gather the literature material and state the percent of use by such literature. Discuss the major representative aspects of the study separate paragraphs and sections Specifically mention and explain all the major aspects of supporting factions of your study and provide any citations and references that relate to any literature that was gathered in support of the topic.